Colored Brain Programme

Have you ever …

tried to communicate by giving a clear instruction and your friend seems don’t get the point that you were trying to convey?

  • How can you avoid miscommunication that causes costly mistakes?
  • Have you ever tried to convince your boss by giving an excellent ideas and your boss don’t agree with it, and suggested another idea that does not make sense to you?
  • Are others around you underperforming because you’re accidently being a “Brain Racist”?
Chances are, you have different Colored Brain with them!

What is colored brain?

What Type Of Colored Brain Are There?

There are 4 types of Colored Brain which are:

Greeen Brain

Red Brain

Blue Brain

Purple Brain

Colored Brain is not about personality – it is the way that brain process the information around them!

What the Participants said About Our Colored Brain Programme?
